Saturday, July 28, 2007

First Gowland Type 55 images

Finally I have some photos to show. The issue with going hunting around for old techniques is you have to create a whole new work-flow to accommodate old technology. In this case scanning film. There was a time when I owned three film scanners, it was a great day when I got rid of them. Scanning has a whole series of problems associated with it. The two that always caused me the most frustration were dust and color consistency between scans. In adopting the Polaroid Type 55 as a tool, I've brought those two old friends back into my life.

The Gowlandflex was ready to work with just in time for my friend's wedding in Michigan. So, we drug it and a bunch of Polaroid film through airport security - you should have seen the TSA they didn't know what to make of the Big Ass Camera. Anyway, here are some samples from that series.

Type 55 has a particularly pleasing set
of mid-tones and I love the way it
renders a blue sky with the
occasional processing mark.

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